Monday, August 6, 2007

My last visit to my horse

This is my former horse. I took these pictures on my last visit to her. My mom surprised us (me and Carina(my sister)) on Oct. 23. with her. Her show name is Amazing Grace, but her barn name is Dee. She is 16hh and 17yrs. old. She had no vices, and loved all people. I didn't want to sell her, but we had to, the owner of the place where she was boarded took her. She had worms recently and became really skinny. She still is. She is a great horse, and I miss her sooo much!! I'll put better pictures of her up soon. All the ones I wanted to put on were all rotated the wrong way, and I had no time to fix them. Right now, I am in upstate NY at my cousin's house. She has her own horse, Daisy, which you can see here. When I get back home, I'll post lots and lots of pictures!! KEEP COMMENTING!!!!!

7 commentios:

Gudl said...

Bye Bye Dee, have a good life!!
I am sure there will be a different horse for you in the future, Anika!

Rachel said...

That looks like a nice horse. Sorry you had to sell it, that must've been hard. Unfortunately life is full of difficult choices, but God is with us every step of the way if we know and trust him.

Mellimaus said...

That stinks that you had to sell Dee. She was a great horse. You were lucky to have her. I hope you get a new horse soon. Rachel is right, we have to trust God, and make sacrifices.

Michaela said...

hello anika

Michaela said...

hi! dees so cute. soory u had to sell her. tell her i said bye

Priscilla said...

I'm sorry too!

Anonymous said...

Good words.